Alien Head

Monday, 17 November 2014

Skincare Routine 2014 | Night and Morning ! *o*

im so evil
I'm doing a skin care routine !
Morning and Night ;)

So lets get this kawaii magic started...

Night :
  1. First I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth ! , I brush them for 2 minutes, then I clean my tongue and exfoliate my lippers <- I just can't..
  2. I grab my Garnier Pure Active Face wash + With the cool brush thingy ^O^ , Then put it over the tap for 5 - 10 seconds, and twist ! Squeeze the facewash and twist again ! I wet my face, Then in circular motions clean my face !
  3. After I washed the face wash off I Grab my Clean and Clear Blackhead scrub, I squeeze a tiny bit on my finger and rub on my wet nose and chin. I rub for 40 seconds, then rinse it..
  4. I pat my face dry with a  clean , soft towel and head to my room
  5. I take my eyegel and squeeze a teeny tiny bit on my finger beside my smallest finger ? And rub gently around my eye area
  6. Then I take hold of my Nivea soft cream and just rub that all over my skin ( gently o-o )
  7. Then I take my Mandarin Lipbalm and put that all over my lips and then I put some on my lashes so they'll be nice and thick and long <3
Morning <3
Because I done all those things at night , I don't do all of that in the morning..
  1.  I brush my teeth for 2 minutes, then clean my tongue and lips
  2. Wash my face with rosemary water and then pat dry
  3. Walk out, get my simple light moisturizer and put that on my skin,
  4. Then I apply some lipbalm on my lips and a little bit on my lashes <3
And That's it <3

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