Alien Head

Monday, 27 October 2014

Friendship | Natalia

Hello Kawaii Cupcakes ^.^
I want to talk about Friendship..
Im going to use me and my friend : Natalia , as an example,
This is us when we were little :

We know eachother since we were little 3 ear olds , running around the place..
I know her 8 years, and yes I'm 11, Im not like the normal 11 year olds, listening to 1D, JB,ETC O-O , And playing with dolls, and wearing pink, No, I listen to bands, wear ' different' clothes, spend all day blogging or on tumblr .. see the difference ?
Back to the post..
And our friendship is a perfect example of how friendships can last long , we never had a big fight. we had only little arguments, maybe 1-2 ,
She always was there for me, and never put me down :)
If someone makes you feel sad, or judges you, Stand up tall, And tell them how you feel, don't worry about what will happen after, because remember : Your feelings matter,
We made a few collages, wait i'll try to show them..

So yeah,
BaiBai ^.^


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